Deep Silver bekræfter Metro: Redux

Skrevet af: Jesper Thuesen - 1. april 2014 - kl. 14:29
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Den var god nok. Metro-serien tager springet til den nyeste konsolgeneration, men til gengæld har vi ikke fået hele sandheden endnu.

Metro 2033 og Metro: Last Light blev i søndags rygtet på vej til PlayStation 4 og Xbox One under navnet Metro: Redux og i dag har Deep Silver taget bladet fra munden og bekræftet, at Redux ikke blot er rygter.

Det spændende i meddelelsen fra Deep Silver er dog, at de hidtil lækkede rygter om Metro: Redux stammer fra forældet materiale, og at virkeligheden er langt mere spændende end det, som blev lækket i sidste uge.

Beskeden fra Deep Silver er som følger:

Metro Redux. You may have heard of it… even though you probably shouldn’t have!

We could issue a ‘We do not comment on rumour and speculation’ statement and pretend this never happened. They’re pretty boring to read. They’re also pretty boring to write.

So we’re going to comment on rumour and speculation instead.

Is Metro Redux real?

Yes. We never made any secret of 4A’s desire to bring Metro to the latest generation of console hardware.

But what you saw leaked was taken from an old, internal planning presentation, containing some nuggets of truth but a lot of hypothetical ideas and place holder material.

(Eagle eyed fans will recognize the artwork on the ‘packshot’ as the art from the original Russian edition of the Metro 2033 novel. And that ‘logo’ is just the old Metro 2033 logo with the ’2033′ scrubbed out and ‘Redux’ added… )

As you can see, we’re not quite ready to reveal 4A Games’ first next-gen console project, but we will be making an announcement this side of E3.

And we think the reality is a lot more exciting than the out-dated material that got leaked shows, and we’re itching to share it with you. Just not yet.

Så umiddelbart kunne noget tyde på, at der er mere i Metro: Redux, end rygterne hidtil har fortalt. Hvem ved, måske Redux rent faktisk er titlen på en helt ny Metro-titel. Vi må væbne os med tålmodighed.
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